Jean Tubéry

Jean Tubéry

It is in 1990, at the term of his studies of recorder and cornetto in Toulouse, Amsterdam and Basel that Jean Tubéry created the ensemble La Fenice, with which he immediately won the First Prizes in the International Competition Musica Antiqua (in 1990) as well as in Malmö (1992).

His interest for the vocal repertoire brought him to choir conducting, which he studied with Hans Martin Linde and Pierre Cao. He was thus invited to conduct various ensembles such as Jacques Moderne, Dunedin Consort (Edinburgh), Norway Solistenkor (Oslo), the choir of Radio France, the Nederlands Kamerloor, Vox Luminis, and the Choeur de Chambre of Namur where he was chief conductor from 2002 till 2008, obtaining in the mean time two prizes from the Academy Charles Cros and the prize L. Bettencourt.

The record series « L’héritage de Monteverdi », made in collaboration with the label Ricercar from 1995 till 2001, was acclaimed by specialized press as «  a major event in the universe of the XVIIe century ».

In the french repertoire, Jean Tubéry’s version of the « Te Deum » by Charpentier was elected as reference version by the magazine Classica.

Jean Tubéry approaches also master pieces from Purcell (Grandes Odes, Dido & Aeneas, King Arthur) from a invigorating understanding inspired by the original notation, combining « the musicologist’s rigor and the musician’s imagination and fantasy ».

His recording of the Christmas Cantatas by Bach is qualified as « pioneer ‘s work despite its precedors » (ResMusica).

As a much appreciated pedagogue, Jean Tubéry teaches cornetto at the Superior Conservatory – CRR of Paris since 1990 as well as at the National Superior Music Conservatory of Lyon – CNSM, and teaches improvised ornementation at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels.

He has been invited to give masterclasses in national conservatories and music academies in Luxemburg, Basel, Oxford, Trossingen, Helsinky, New York and Cleveland.


In 2001 he is made Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres » by the Minister of Culture Catherine Tasca.

In 2007, he is elected musical personnality of the year by the belgian newspaper Le Soir.

In 2013 he is named Chevalier de l’ordre des Palmes Académiques for both his pedagogical and artistical work in Auxerre, in Yonne and Bourgogne.


Jean Tubéry founded the Ensemble La Fenice in 1990, with which he immediately won First Prize at the International Early Music Competitions in Bruges (1990) and Malmö (1992).   As a choir director, he has been requested by ensembles such as Jacques Moderne, Dunedin Consort (Edinburgh), Norway Solistenkor (Oslo), the choir of Radio-France, the Nederlands Kamerkoor, Vox Luminis, and the Chœur de chambre de Namur, where he was the head chef from 2002 to 2008, winning two prizes from the Charles Cros Academy, and the Liliane Bettencourt prize.

The discographic series « The Legacy of Monteverdi » has been specialized press as a « major event in the universe of the 17th century ». He also approaches the great works of Purcell (Great Odes, Dido & Aeneas, King Arthur) through an invigorating rereading, reconciling « the rigor of the musicologist and the fantasy of the musician ».   His recording of Bach’s Christmas cantats has been described as « pioneering work despite its predecessors » (Resmusica).


Jean Tubéry teaches cornetto in the CRR of Paris (since 1990), and at the CNSMD in Lyon. He has given master classes in the national conservatories and music academies of Brussels, Luxembourg, Basel, Oxford, Trossingen, Helsinki, New-York, Cleveland.  In 2001, he was named Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters. In 2007, he was elected musical personality of the year by the Belgian national daily « Le Soir ».  In 2013, he was named Knight of the Order of Palmes Académiques for his educational and artistic work in residence in Auxerre, Yonne and Bourgogne.


In 2020, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of La Fenice, he created the traveling academy of « La Fenice AVenire », a real breeding ground for young talents who will constitute La Fenice for the decade to come. 

Credit : Philippe Matsas