Category: Programs

Natale latino

La Fenice had already released two albums dedicated to Nativity music (Per il Santissimo Natale, Ricercar 1995 / Natale in Italia, Ars Production 2015), the new generation musicians of La...

Mémoires de M. d’Artagnan

Mémoires de M. d’Artagnan About a year ago, I was doing research at the Royal Library for my book about Louis XIV, I stumbled onto the Memoirs of M. D’Artagnan.....

Isola di Belta

Isola di Belta Corsican feminine polyphonies and Italian baroque ornamentation Bathed in the same waters of the Mare Nostrum, Italy and Corsica have always maintained special relations, sometimes conflicting, sometimes...


Caffé-Cantates Cheers, Jean-Sébastien! ~ to a genius bon vivant~ Would you care for beer or wine? Rather coffee or muscatel? … Maybe a sip of each, like Johann Sebastian Bach?...

Incoronazione a Venetia

Incoronazione a Venetia Coronation mass at the time of Venice’s Doges Venice, 1615… Claudio Monteverdi had only taken possession of the musical capella of San Marco for two years… His...

A camino de Santiago

A camino de Santiago Music in the XVIIe century on the camino de Santiago de Compostella In order to evokein music the pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostella, nowadays musicians often...

By the rivers of Babylon

From captivity to freedom : musics of exiles and peace « Who could encourage our sorrowful hearts to sing laud on a foreign land ? » (Psalm 137) Paradox of...

The Fontain of Venus

The Fontain of Venus Libertine tales by J. de la Fontaine, court airs and ballet music of the Great Century Jean de la Fontaine invites us among high company people...