A camino de Santiago

A camino de Santiago

Music in the XVIIe century on the camino de Santiago de Compostella

In order to evokein music the pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostella, nowadays musicians often turn their eyes on the Middle Age period. However it is another path that the Ensemble La Fenice has chosen, taking its inspiration from a 1648th map of the Camino francés.

La Fenice brings thus back to life an erudite and popular repertoiore of pious and profanes songs,  of musics sometimes cheerful, sometimes rapt, that accompanythe traveller from France to Galicia, passing by Languedoc, Aragon and Castilla. The musicians of La Fenice become then pilgrims or singers accompanying themselves with their instruments, at the bend of a church, a glade, a village square… or a cabaret !

The peoples of Europe who were taking the Camino were getting started for a faraway land, they entertained and exalted their faith in music during the long stages of their journey and the  nocturnal vigiles. Pipilgrimages were thus an opportunity for enriching exchanges between travellers and with the inhabitants of the regions walked through.

Let us trace in music the Camino of the XVIIth century, from Strasbourg to the gates of Santiago !



1 soloist soprano, Ensemble La Fenice : theorbo/baroque guitar, viola da gamba and/or bassoon, organ/harpsichord


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